Sunday, March 11, 2007

Everyman: 'The End of the World'

"Everyman: 'The End of the World' looks at various groups who believe the end of the world is coming as the 20th century draws to a close (the programme was shown in 1996).

"It's an interesting documentary examining what and why they believe. Contained within the 'end of the world' myth are the 'damned' and the 'saved' - those who are 'chosen' and those who are not. At the end of the world is a decisive and dramatic confrontation where good faces evil. In this understanding of time, believers find a world that finally makes sense to them and vindicates their belief. Some groups prepare for conflict and create safe houses preparing for 'show time' while for others the end is merely a period of transition where there is a 'new age' after the appearance of a 'powerful being' or a 'second coming'.

"The people who believe in the end of the world are both Christian and Non-Christian, some are US Militias who think the UN wants to form a world government (news stories on such groups appears to have faded since Sept 11 2001) and others believe in extra terrestrial entities coming to the Earth in UFOs. It's interesting to note the defensive psychology of these groups and the dominant ideologies of our current age of anxiety.

"Notable contributions include Noam Chomsky."

It should be noted that such beliefs are systematically rife at the end of every century and millenium.

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